Over the years we have dived all around the Roviana Lagoon and beyond. With or without diving guests we still enjoy finding new places, treasures & relics. The Cave of the Custom Shark at Ndoke Ndoke is one of the best, together with Tombatuni past Sassavele and the Kasi Maru a sunken Jap freighter around past Noro at Mbairoko. The wall dives are massive & majestic, you need to count your depth down as there is no bottom. You can dive in 3 metres or 30+ metres with still plenty to see and the rest stops are picturesque.
...Enjoy !
At Ndoke Ndoke, Cave of the Custom Shark.
This is the pool at the start of the cave dive.
TC diving Kasi Maru in 8 metres.
Trevor, Noel & Mick between dives.