The Japs started building an airfield at the original Lambete Plantation under the cover of the coconut palms.
The Australian Coast watchers spotted it, told the Yanks who came to chase the Japs out, A good book to read is "The Munda Trail". It took the yanks a few months to push through from Laiana to Lambete and push the Japs back out past Noro. A TV series called "Black Sheep Squadron" was based on this, and the movies of the PT103 were based around here & Rendova Harbour.
We are told that Hombupeka was used as an anti-aircraft combat point, with the two or so mounds - one at our front door, being the gun emplacements. Given the amount of spent shells & cartridges and coke bottles around - makes sense.
These pics are historical and not mine, thanks to whomever, but are great in history, those who know the area will pick the locations.
These two pictures below are great finds, of the Ondongo Airstrip at Diamond Narrows near Noro.