Sunday 12 February 2012

Some more Local Pic's..

Just found some more pics that you may like to see,
Looking across to Kekehe with a glimpse of the
work being done on the Airstrip upgrade.
We hope it will return to normal when the greenery grows back.
Looking from our back beach out to Hopei & Rendova in the background.

A different Aerial view looking across the Munda strip,
HGH to right & Lambete to left, Hombupeka in the middle.
Good view of the inner lagoon at lower tides and to the outer reef line.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Stop Press :: Croc nomoa

One Croc down Friday 20 Jan.........looks like Mr RAMSI has been around at last.........
For those who didn't quite believe, here he is , or what's left, up on the old jetty at the beach on Hombupeka.........ahhh skinned.............

Thursday 19 January 2012

More good shots


"Netta chillin on the plane

Sea snake

Zima, cuz.

Snapper, long line, off Rendova.

Departure party / Departure lounge....

Some island pics

This was a WET day.



Some Kids shots, having a good time..........

Lachlan & Mia had a great time, Lachlan was 'off', 'bye Daddy, go fishin'.........finding their own feet..
Le leana..........

Now, that big old pesky croc won't find us swimming up here !

This one will be a classic forever..........
"So I wonder what it is that their all looking at........"

"OMG, he can't get around with no pants on !!"

"Thanks for the new car dad,, brmmmmm"

"Think this one's for you Dad, someone calling about a job offer"

At Home - January 2012.

Some new pics from Hombupeka over Christmas...........

                       New jetty with all the cuz having swim time,, now where's that Croc again?

                            New deck roof, now equipped with Lap Top & internet connection !